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Cathedral Forum: The Varieties of Spiritual Experience

  • The American Cathedral in Paris 23 Avenue George V Paris, IDF, 75008 France (map)

In The Varieties of Religious Experience (1902), psychologist and philosopher William James objectively surveyed dozens of accounts of contacts with “unseen order.” His interest was in the transformative outcomes of these experiences, not their sources. More than a century later, neuroscientists David Yaden and Andrew Newberg have returned to this theme in The Varieties of Spiritual Experience: 21st Century Research and Perspectives (2022), bringing multifaceted analyses to surveys of thousands of our peers. They explore the bits of the brain that light up when nuns meditate or when “critical windows” are opened by psychedelics, and efforts to undo PTSD with Ecstasy and depression with mushrooms. In contrast to the hard science are the personal reports and – faithful to James – non-judgmental interpretations. This Sunday, Parishioner Peter Brooks, lecturer in neurobiology and experiential dualist, will discuss the categories Yaden and Newberg explore – the numinous, unity, revelatory, synchronicity, aesthetic awe, and the paranormal – and consider their relevance to our community. Will the current, ever-accelerating efforts to unpack our neural circuitry lead to the discovery of all that’s under the hood of “spiritual experience?” Learn why William James’ response, “Ever not quite,” still holds – and will likely hold forever and ever.

This is a hybrid forum; please join us in the Parish Hall or on Zoom.

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