Welcome home!

The Cathedral Church of the Holy Trinity—known familiarly as “The American Cathedral in Paris”—is the oldest congregation of the Episcopal Church outside the United States. Recognized by the General Convention of 1859, we are also one of the oldest—and largest—congregations of the Anglican Communion in Europe. Since 1923, it has served as well as the Episcopal cathedral for all of Europe.

All of that makes for a distinguished history, to be sure. Yet the more you learn about this place, the more you’re likely to be surprised at the vitality and variety of our ministries in this moment. Far from being the American colony at prayer, the cathedral today is perhaps the single most multinational, multicultural congregation in the entire Episcopal Church—a church that today is present in nineteen nations across the globe. Here, grounded on the Episcopal expression of the Anglican tradition, we gather seekers and disciples from across the Anglophone and Francophone worlds—united in our call to serve others in Christ’s name, in the joy of our worship, in our daily habits of prayer, and in our ongoing work to hear and respond to God’s challenge to proclaim the Gospel in this remarkable city.

In this church you can serve those in need, find a source of genuine community, explore the depths of our shared faith, and join in an intergenerational gathering of disciples moving together toward the work we are called to do—to reconcile all people to God and one another in Christ.

Welcome to this place of mystery and majesty, of service and serenity. Welcome to your cathedral—we are glad you’re here.

The Right Reverend Mark Edington Bishop of the Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe

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