The Eucharist is celebrated by Bishop Mark.


Our Episcopal-Anglican identity is rooted in the practice of common worship. We come from many places and from many backgrounds. It is our worship that binds us together as the body of Christ. 

The focal point of our worship life is the Eucharist, also known as Holy Communion, which we celebrate every Sunday morning. This is our family meal where absolutely everyone is welcome. It is God’s table, not ours; there are no restrictions.

Holy Eucharist | Sundays at 11:00 a.m.

Our principal worship service, celebrated in the Episcopal-Anglican tradition. There are scripture readings, prayers, and a sermon offered by a member of the clergy. The Cathedral Choirs play a vital role in leading worship through the introit, psalm, anthems, hymns, and responses. Direct links to the sermons may be found in the description of the video. Please join us in person or online.

Download the bulletin here.

Noonday Prayer and Holy Eucharist

We are delighted to announce a new schedule of services in both French and English starting (04/22/2024) to better respond to the needs of our congregation and local community. All are welcome.

Parishioners enjoy our candlelit Easter Vigil service.


  • 12:00 p.m. : Holy Eucharist (French)


  • 7:00 p.m. : Evening Prayer (Bilingual)

  • 9:00 p.m. : Contemplation and Compline (Bilingual)


  • 12:00 p.m. : Noonday Prayer (French)

  • 5:30 p.m. : Holy Eucharist (French: Mission Episcopale Francophone de la Résurrection) Online and in person


  • 11:00 a.m. : Holy Eucharist Online and in person

  • 6:00 p.m. : Choral Evensong/ Jazz Vespers (1/month)

Choral Evensong | Select Sundays at 6:00 p.m.

The office of Choral Evensong, often referred to as “the jewel in the Anglican crown,” is a centuries-old musical tradition. It has its roots in 16th-century England, when Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury under Henry VIII, took parts of the existing offices of compline and vespers and shaped a new service of evening prayer. Download the bulletin here.

One of our talented musicians plays the double bass for Jazz Vespers

Jazz Vespers | Select Sundays at 6:00 p.m.

Jazz Vespers offers praise to God in the form of live jazz and poetry.

Célébration eucharistique en français | Saturdays at 5:30 p.m.

Célébration eucharistique proposée par La Mission Épiscopale Francophone de la Résurrection, une église missionnaire de la convocation, qui a lieu à la cathédrale. Rejoignez-nous en présentiel ou sur Facebook.

Worship Online

A member of our livestreaming team preparing for the 11:00 a.m. Sunday service.

Our online services began, as in many other churches, during the COVID-19 lockdown of spring 2020. Thankfully, we were able to jump start online offerings rapidly and mindfully through generous donations, careful decisions on equipment, respect for our church ambiance, expansion of our Facebook and YouTube channels, prayerful messages to online worshipers during services, and weekly communications to our parishioners. Through this process we were able to serve the spiritual needs of homebound members and have succeeded in creating an effective, impactful, continuing outreach.

In early 2021, a group of parishioners was commissioned to consider what life at the Cathedral might look like once the world opened up again after the pandemic had eased. They found changes were needed in how we welcome new people to the community and connect with Cathedral followers outside Paris.

Today, our online ministry reaches local as well as global viewers: current parishioners, Friends, and new worshipers routinely attend church services and special events, including the Sunday 11 a.m. service, concerts, Bible study, Sunday forums, and Christmas pageants.

All our worship services are livestreamed on Facebook and YouTube (unless otherwise specified). They are saved on both platforms and are available at any time; you do not have to join us live.

Service bulletins are available online, in the description of the video (on both Facebook and YouTube) and on our website.

The Book of Common Prayer Online

The Book of Common Prayer is a treasure chest full of devotional and teaching resources for individuals and congregations, but it is also the primary expression of our faith and unity. We, who are many and diverse, come together in Christ through our worship, our common prayer.

The Mission of St. Clare

The Mission of St. Clare is an ecumenical website offering Morning and Evening Prayer using the order set out in The Book of Common Prayer.

The Lectionary Page

The Lectionary Page presents a liturgical calendar for upcoming weeks, including the full list of lessons, psalms, and Gospel readings. The page also includes links to the lessons for Sundays and major holy days from the Revised Common Lectionary (RCL) as adapted for use in Episcopal worship.