Make a Joyful Noise! 

About the Capital Project

The American Cathedral in Paris is graced by the work of artistic genius Aristide Cavaillé-Coll, the great 19th century French organ builder. The organ is the heartbeat of the Cathedral's liturgy and musical outreach program, but it is in dire need of restoration to allow it to fulfill its potential as a significant cultural landmark in Paris through the next century. In addition, acoustical and lighting improvements are necessary elements of presenting services and cultural events in the Nave, and in order to protect our investment, an expansion of the endowment is called for. This project is a call to action to the Cathedral congregation, our Friends, and music lovers around the world to make a bold commitment of vision, faith, and action through participation in the Cathedral's Capital Campaign.

Thanks to the collective efforts of hundreds of parishioners, Friends, and other supporters we have secured future donor commitments allowing us to confidently start planning for the restoration of our historic Cavaillé-Coll organ, install an ecological and flexible lighting system, correct our acoustic, and contribute to the endowment so that these improvements can be maintained.

Interesting in supporting this exciting project? Make your gift today!

Please indicate “Make A Joyful Noise Capital Campaign” in the scroll down menu when making your gift.

Keep in touch!

Subscribe to our dedicated e-letter, Point d’Orgue, for the latest updates on the project. For back issues, please click below.

For more information or to speak directly with project leadership, please contact the committee at

 Further Information

Capital Campaign Executive Committee

Jennifer Gosmand and Thomas Girty, Campaign Co-chairs

Nancy Janin and Edward Bates, Advance Gift Co-chairs

Episcopal Patrons

The Most Rev. Sean W. Rowe, Presiding Bishop and Primate of The Episcopal Church

The Rt. Rev. Mark D. W. Edington, Bishop in Charge of the Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe

Honorary Patrons

The Former Bishops in Charge

The Rt. Rev. Pierre W. Whalon

The Rt. Rev. Jeffrey W. Rowthorn

The Former Deans

The Very Rev. James R. Harlan

The Rev. Timothy B. Safford (Interim Dean)

The Very Rev. Lucinda R. Laird

The Very Rev. Zachary W. M. Fleetwood

The Very Rev. Ernest E. Hunt III

and Mrs. James (Patsy) Leo

Former Music Director

Edward J. Tipton