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Concert by the Choristers of Merton College, Oxford

An LAGV- sponsored concert by the Choristers of Merton College, Oxford.

In 2016 Merton College became the first College in Oxford University to admit girls into its Choral Foundation. The 24 girl choristers attend many different schools across Oxford and beyond, and rehearse at Merton on Mondays and Wednesdays during school term-time. Receiving specialist musical training from the College’s professional musicians, they sing Choral Vespers each Monday and Choral Evensong each Wednesday during the University term, often joined on Wednesdays by six professional adult singers who sing the lower parts. In addition, the choristers undertake a number of concerts and other activities each year, including performing in the Passiontide at Merton festival. Previous engagements have included performances at Westminster Abbey, Gloucester Cathedral, Durham Cathedral, Tewkesbury Abbey and Chichester Cathedral. Their debut solo recording, In the Stillness, was released for Christmas 2022.

For more information, visit Les Arts George V at

August 20

Holy Eucharist: The Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost

August 27

Holy Eucharist: The Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost