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Cathedral Forum: Preposterous Pilgrim, Part 2: How an evidence addict stays the path of Trust

This week, parishioner Peter Brooks continues to explore the questions he raised last week: if Christian values and virtues are now embedded in the secular world, is Christianity’s job done? Do I stay Christian? Why? This week, Peter promises to suggest some answers. (1) Pragmatic features may be reason enough: communal spoken and sung rituals, the eighth sacrament of coffee hour, Love with its sleeves rolled up (or in a box or a sandwich), a common foundation to bridge gaps with Evinos (come Sunday to find out what those are!). (2) Transcendent sentiment arises from the Eucharistic liturgy itself, weekly scriptures and sermons, sublime music, and attention to the divine in daily life. (3) While voicing the Creed, a notion of our disparate subconscious "multitudes" only weakly dissolves our eternally doubting cognitive dissonance.

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June 17

Célébration eucharistique en français

June 18

Children and Youth Sunday