Thank you and Goodbye to Dean James and Eli Harlan!

Today we came together as a community in gratitude and thanksgiving for the ministry of Dean James and Eli Harlan at the Cathedral, in the Convocation, and further afield. Dean James retires after 30 years of service to the Church in ordained ministry, and as the eleventh dean of the Cathedral. He will continue as a priest canonically resident in the Convocation, and will remain engaged with the work of the College for Congregational Development.

His time with us has been marked by radical welcome and love that made space for everyone. He saw the presence of God in all people, even when we couldn’t see it in themselves. Because of his encouragement, our ministries have flourished. Lay-leaders and emerging ministries have been empowered: the Rainbow Ministry, the Beloved Community Ministry, Sandwich Ministry and many more. Our Francophone services and Sandwich Ministry have blossomed. His welcoming spirit and his ability to share the good news in the language of those attending drew people closer to this space each week. Many who found themselves in the nave simply because they were coming to receive a meal, found something they didn’t know they were looking for- they felt seen and came to know that they were loved by God, just as they are.

We give thanks for Dean James’ ministry. His legacy of grace, fearless love and inclusion will continue to shape us as we carry forward the work Dean James has so beautifully modelled.

We send Dean James and Eli into the next stage of their lives with our thanks, gratitude, love, and prayers.

Dean James’ sermon, “God Loves.” can be watched above or via our sermon archive.


Tuesday, March 4th: Sandwich Ministry and Noonday Eucharist cancelled


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