Call for Vestry Nominations

Do you feel called to serve as member of Vestry? Would you care to nominate a fellow parishioner? Please give it your generous and prayerful consideration. It’s not always an easy job, but it is a worthy, transformative one and essential to the life of our Cathedral.

Our parish Vestry meets once a month (currently on the third Tuesday), with an occasional special meeting at other times as necessary.

The Vestry is responsible for the legal and financial health of the parish; they act as stewards of the church finances and property, approve the budget, provide for the maintenance of the buildings, and assure that the operations of the parish conform to legal requirements and best practices. Vestry members must be:

•          at least 16 years old,

•          a pledging member of the Cathedral,

•          an active member of the parish,

•          willing to listen, learn and lead

•          have the best interests of the whole parish at heart

Polls for Vestry elections open on Friday, May 10th. All pledging members are eligible to vote electronically for five Vestry candidates who will each serve a three-year term. The election results will be announced at the Annual General Meeting of the Cathedral, to be held on Sunday, June 2nd.

Please get in touch with a member of the Nominating Committee before Friday, April 12th, at to find out more about the election, or nominate yourself or a fellow parishioner.

Yours in Christ, 

Matt Christensen, Andrew Kluetz, Adrien Lesure, Jocelyn Phelps, Angelina Stelmach Blundell 

Nominating Committee 2024 


Sandwich Ministry | Les Paniers Repas


Easter Flowers 2024