Welcome to the Rev. Canon Lissa Smith!
We are so pleased to welcome the Rev. Canon Lissa Smith to our community for the fall. She is spending part of her sabbatical from her ministry as Canon Pastor at Christ Church Cathedral in Nashville here at the American Cathedral in Paris.

Prayers and support for Morocco and Libya
The American Cathedral in Paris expresses its sorrow for, and solidarity with the victims of both the recent earthquake in Morocco and the floods in Libya.

Meet the Dean | Sign up open!
We are setting up a calendar of events both at the Cathedral and in people's homes to welcome and integrate Dean James and Eli Harlan into our community.

New Midweek Services in French!
Our midweek services of Noonday Prayer and Holy Eucharist resume on Tuesday, September 12th at 12:00 p.m. We are really excited to announce that we have a new schedule enabling us to offer some services in French. All are welcome. | Nos services de prière de midi et de Sainte Eucharistie en milieu de semaine reprennent le mardi 12 septembre à 12h00. Nous sommes très heureux d'annoncer que nous avons un nouveau planning qui nous permet d'offrir certains offices en français. Tous sont les bienvenus.

Getting involved in Music at the Rentrée!
With the rentrée approaching, now is an excellent time to get involved in music-making at the Cathedral. Our Canon of Music, Zachary Ullery would be pleased to receive enquiries from people interested in joining and auditioning for the following various groups.

Welcome to the Rev. Canon Jonathan Huyck!
We are delighted to welcome the Rev. Canon Jonathan Huyck back to the American Cathedral in Paris as the celebrant for our 11:00 a.m. service on Sunday, August 13th 2023.

Welcome to Dean James Harlan and Eli!
We are pleased to announce that Dean James Harlan and his wife Eli have safely arrived in Paris this morning. Welcome Dean James and Eli!

Welcome to the Venerable Dr. Walter Baer
We are delighted to announce that the Venerable Dr. Walter Baer will be the celebrant for the 11:00 a.m. service on Sunday, August 6th and the preacher on August 13th at the American Cathedral in Paris

Welcome to the Revd. Dr. Stephanie Burette
We are delighted to welcome the Revd. Dr. Stephanie Burette to the American Cathedral in Paris this summer.

Welcome to Bishop Catherine Roskam
We are delighted to welcome the Rt. Rev. Catherine Roskam as our celebrant for the 11:00 a.m. service on Sunday, July 23rd.

Community Guidelines
We are pleased to announce the publication of our community guidelines.

Congratulations to Kim Powell!
Congratulations to Kim Powell on being licensed as a Lay Evangelist.

Transition in the Life of Our Cathedral
The Rev. Canon Nathaniel Katz has accepted the call to be the Dean of Christ Church Cathedral, Houston, in the Diocese of Texas.

Make a Joyful Noise!
Thanks to the collective efforts of hundreds of parishioners, Friends, and other supporters we have exceeded our fundraising goal of €5,000,000.

Our Next Dean and Rector: The Rev. Canon James R. Harlan
The American Cathedral in Paris is blessed and delighted to announce that the Rev. Canon James R. Harlan will be the next Dean and Rector.