Olympics 2024 | Accessing the Cathedral

If you are already in Paris, it is difficult to miss the various preparations currently taking Olympic and Paralympic Games this summer: metro stations being updated, the Seine being cleaned and posters everywhere encouraging us all to “anticiper les jeux” (prepare ahead of the Games”). We are working to make visiting and worshiping at the Cathedral as easy and clear as possible for all.

Current information from the French travel service and the Olympics organization indicate that the Metro stations George V (line 1) and Alma-Marceau (line 9) will remain open throughout the Olympics and Paralympics apart from during the Opening Ceremony on July 26th, 2024.

We will keep information here updated as we receive it.

If you are travelling to the Cathedral consult the RATP website and the government’s website for the Olympics Anticiper les Jeux


23 avenue George V

75008 Paris

Île-de-France, France

Public Transit

George V (Metro 1, Bus 73)

Marceau - Pierre 1ere de Serbie - Place de Beyrouth (Bus 92, Bus 32)

Alma-Marceau (Metro 9, Bus 42, Bus 63, Bus 72, Bus 80)

Pont de l’Alma (RER C)

Reaching to the Ends of the Earth | Other Ways to be part of our Beloved Community

Our community is by no means limited to the four walls of the Cathedral on avenue George V. As we seek to celebrate and grow beloved community beyond the close, we offer many ways to get involved “à distance”:

Online Ministry

We have a thriving online, international congregation who watch and participate in our livestreamed services both on the Cathedral’s Youtube (@TheAmericanCathedralinParis) and Facebook (@amcathparis) pages. You can also access previous service recordings on both pages. We look forward to welcoming you to this community. For details of which services will be livestreamed, please click below for our Event Calendar.


Dive into the Cathedral’s past and architecture

How much do you know about the Cathedral’s history and architecture? From its roots in a small church on rue Bayard to its Centenary celebrations last year, the Cathedral has had a rich history. Find out more by clicking here or by perusing our Trinité Magazine archive.

Do you have a spare 10 minutes to grow your faith? Check out our Sermon Directory.

“God’s Inclusive Love”, “Invited into Abundance” or “Bringing and Sharing Joy”- these are just a couple of the sermons given over the past year at the Cathedral. Head to our sermon directory for sermons on a range of topics and scripture given by Cathedral clergy, the Bishop-in-Charge of the Convocation, The Rt. Rev. Mark Edington, and visiting preachers.

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