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Cathedral Forum | How to temper Angry Uncles? Whence their rage?

  • The American Cathedral in Paris 23 Avenue George V Paris, IDF, 75008 France (map)

What turned your parent’s amicable brother into that Angry Uncle, now estranged from the family? This week, Peter Brooks will discuss several proposals that explain Uncle’s shift, and tactics toward healing the rift.

David Hume’s 18th century view that “reason is a slave to the passions” still holds, yet recent studies show that rational argumentation in a give-and-take group discussion can shift worldviews.

Harnessing our Christian heritage and AI chatbots to enable civil talk with Uncle and with a Christian Nationalist will illustrate pathways toward fruitful dialogues.

Going forward, at a population level, some suggest biological agents as “empathy vitamins” to tone down hostilities. Hypothetical examples will frame discussion of benefits and risks of such moral bioenhancements.

Our Cathedral Forum series provides occasions to discuss topics ranging from politics to spirituality, economics, and literature, with fascinating guest speakers. The Forum seeks to help parishioners deepen their understanding of Christian faith and life, drawing on scripture, reason and tradition to understand its relevance to our lives and to our world, attentive to God's hand in the co-evolution of our world and of our church.

This is a hybrid forum; please join us in the Parish Hall or on Zoom.

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