This week, as we continue our exploration of Episcopal tradition, we look at the sacraments and their place in our common life. What is a sacrament? What do they involve and how do they affect us? How do we, as followers of Jesus, experience the sacraments? We will also look at the ways in a focus on sacramental theology help to shape a distinctively Episcopalian way of being the Church and at the ways in which sacramental understanding can infuse the whole of our lives with a sense of God’s grace.
Please note that as we receive the results of the US elections, our schedule remains flexible to respond to the needs of parishioners.
Our Cathedral Forum series provides occasions to discuss topics ranging from politics to spirituality, economics, and literature, with fascinating guest speakers. The Forum seeks to help parishioners deepen their understanding of Christian faith and life, drawing on scripture, reason and tradition to understand its relevance to our lives and to our world, attentive to God's hand in the co-evolution of our world and of our church.
This is a hybrid forum; please join us in the Parish Hall or on Zoom.
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