Please note that due to technical issues outside of our control we have had to cancel the Zoom section of this Cathedral Forum. The Forum will be maintained in person. We apologise for any inconvenience caused and hope to see you at a Forum again soon.
In an average liturgy, we Episcopalians hear a lot of scripture – usually three or four lessons, not counting Psalms or canticles like the Magnificat that are drawn from the Bible, not to mention all the many quotations and scriptural references that are woven into the prayers themselves. The Catechism tells us that we call the scriptures the Word of God because God inspired their human authors and because God still speaks to us through them, as we read them under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. But what does that mean and how does that work? Join us this Sunday as we explore the place of the Bible in our tradition and the many ways in which Episcopalians use the scriptures to enrich our corporate and individual lives and our worship. Find out how we are – and are not – a “People of the Book”.
Our Cathedral Forum series provides occasions to discuss topics ranging from politics to spirituality, economics, and literature, with fascinating guest speakers. The Forum seeks to help parishioners deepen their understanding of Christian faith and life, drawing on scripture, reason and tradition to understand its relevance to our lives and to our world, attentive to God's hand in the co-evolution of our world and of our church.
This is a hybrid forum; please join us in the Parish Hall or on Zoom.
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