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Cathedral Forum | Mordechai, Esther or Even Vashti: Who is the Real Hero(ine)?!

  • The American Cathedral in Paris 23 Avenue George V Paris, IDF, 75008 France (map)

Written almost in the style of "Ali Baba and the 40 thieves", the biblical book of Esther surprises the reader with some of its modern themes and challenges. It is also one of only two biblical books that do not mention God explicitly. In this Forum, Rabbi Tom Cohen of the Kehilat Gesher Synagogue in Paris will present this deliberately topsy-turvy story, that is the source of the Jewish holiday of Purim which this year falls in mid-March.

Our Cathedral Forum series provides occasions to discuss topics ranging from politics to spirituality, economics, and literature, with fascinating guest speakers. The Forum seeks to help parishioners deepen their understanding of Christian faith and life, drawing on scripture, reason and tradition to understand its relevance to our lives and to our world, attentive to God's hand in the co-evolution of our world and of our church.

This is a hybrid forum; please join us in the Parish Hall or on Zoom.

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March 1

Célébration Eucharistique (La Mission Episcopale Francophone de la Résurrection)

March 2

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