The Search Teams

The process for searching for and calling a new Dean has changed over the last 7+ years to become more prayerful and less transactional. The evolved process is now supported by a number of teams beyond just “Profile” and “Search”. Each team is important.

A search for a new Dean involves many people in a congregation—as many as possible. This spreads the work around so no one person or small group gets burned out (a common problem in transition times) and it engages the gifts and skills of many people in the important work of the transition.

The Visioning Team

The Visioning Team works with congregation to develop or refine a vision for the future, answers the twelve essay questions in the online portfolio, and helps the Vestry/Bishop’s Committee decide on the criteria for a new priest. This team also ensures that the parish website represents the parish accurately and assembles materials that gives candidates what they need to know. 6-8 people; most work done between June and September.

Co-conveners: Angelina Blundell-Stelmach, Sue Sturman

Members: Arthur Clement, Thomas Girty, Sunny Hallanan, Seth Hinkley, Geoff Jennings, Sarah Vanderveen, Bob Seeman

The Prayer Team

The Prayer Team prays daily for all involved and is especially in prayer when the Discernment Team meets. Unlimited number of people; mostly active from September to the arrival of the Dean.

The Communications Team

The Communications Team works with the Communications Manager to make sure the congregation is aware of what’s happening in the search process. 2-6 people; from June to the arrival of the Dean.

Convenor: Anne Swardson

Members: Robbin Ahrold, Helen Charles, Allison Glasgow-Lafontaine, Christopher Grinbergs, Walter Wells

The Discernment Team

The Discernment Team reviews candidate materials, interviews candidates, hosts candidate visits, does reference checks, and recommends finalists to the Vestry/Bishop’s Committee. 8-9 people; from September to the arrival of the Dean—most active from January to March of 2023.

Convenor: Sophie Belouet

Members: Mark Adams, Jacques Bossonney, Barbara Diggs, Jeanne Fellowes, Audrey Jolivet-Habiby, Adrien K.O. LeSure, Andy Platt, Mary Victor

The Welcome Team

The Welcome Team organizes parish welcome activities; helps the new priest find stores, schools, doctors, a job for their spouse, etc.; introduces new priest and family to the community; and organizes small group gatherings with the new priest and members of the congregation during the first year. Unlimited number of people; begins work in the 1st quarter of 2023; most active when Dean arrives and then continues organizational work during the first year of the deanship.


Timeline of the Process