Welcome to the Revd. Dr. Stephanie Burette
We are delighted to welcome the Revd. Dr. Stephanie Burette to the Cathedral this Sunday who, alongside Le Révérend Père Jean Dumond Chavanne from La Mission Episcopale Francophone de la Résurrection, will be leading us in worship.
E-letter 26/06/2024 Important Cathedral news from the Dean and Canon Precentor
In this special edition of the e-letter please find an important message from Dean James and Canon Precentor Zach.
Sandwich Ministry | Les Paniers Repas
Il n’y aura pas de distribution des paniers repas ou de Célébration Eucharistique le 25 juin. Nous serions ravis de vous accueillir à nouveau le samedi 29 juin.
Step Up: Let’s Make a Difference
n honor of World Refugee Day on June 20th, we’re launching a heartfelt initiative to support unaccompanied refugee youth in Paris who urgently need proper footwear. Many of these young boys, facing the challenges of displacement and homelessness, lack basic necessities, such as shoes and socks, a necessity we often take for granted. They require footwear that fits properly and provides comfort as they navigate their daily lives on the streets of Paris.
Healthy Congregations: Practical Tools for Congregational Vitality
Parishioners Kim Powell, Angelina Stelmach Blundell, and Paul-Rostande Stinfil, pictured here with Bishop Mark Edington, recently attended The Academy for Parish Leadership’s training session “Healthy Congregations: Practical Tools for Congregational Vitality"
E-letter 17/05/2024 : Our Annual Meeting (AGM)
In this special edition of the Friday e-letter, please find details below of our Annual Meeting (AGM) taking place on Sunday, June 2nd at 9:30 a.m. in person and online (via Zoom). All are welcome.
Details about the upcoming week at the Cathedral are available towards the bottom of the email. There are lots of exciting things coming up. Please join us this Sunday at 11:00 a.m. for our Pentecost celebrations including baptisms, confirmations, a parish picnic and the launch of our Olympic and Paralympic theme.
Sandwich Ministry | Les Paniers Repas | Le samedi 11 mai
Il n’y aura pas de distribution des paniers repas le samedi 11 mai. Nous serions ravis de vous accueillir à nouveau le mardi 14 mai.
Joining our Children’s and Youth Choirs
As the program year draws to an end, now is an excellent time to consider getting involved in music-making at the Cathedral at the Rentrée. Our Canon Precentor and Director of Music, Zachary Ullery would be pleased to receive inquiries about both the Children’s and Youth choirs on music@americancathedral.org
The Trinity Society | Create a Loving Legacy
You, too, can join the Trinity Society! It’s never been easier to leave your legacy at the American Cathedral in Paris as a gift that will continue to grow and bless others long after your earthly pilgrimage is finished! By joining the Trinity Society, through your estate plans (of any size), you will ensure that our church’s ministries continue to change lives in Paris and around the world for the next 100 years and more.
New Service Schedule
We are delighted to announce a new schedule of services in both French and English starting this week to better respond to the needs of our congregation and local community. All are welcome.
Letter from Europe | The Fire Five Years After
Letter from Europe by the Rt. Rev. Mark D. W. Edington | The Fire Five Years After
Sandwich Ministry | Les Paniers Repas
Il n’y aura pas de distribution des paniers repas le 2 et le 6 avril. Nous serions ravis de vous accueillir à nouveau le mardi 9 avril.
Call for Vestry Nominations
Do you feel called to serve as member of Vestry? Would you care to nominate a fellow parishioner? Please give it your generous and prayerful consideration. It’s not always an easy job, but it is a worthy, transformative one and essential to the life of our Cathedral.
Easter Flowers 2024
You are invited to participate in the annual Easter Flower Fund to decorate the Cathedral with flowers in memory or in honor of a loved one or several loved ones. The deadline to participate is Friday March 22nd.
Modified Opening Hours | Saturday, February 17th
Please note that there will be reduced opening hours on Saturday, February 17th from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. only with limited access to the nave. We remain open for Noonday Prayer., AA meetings and Sandwich Ministry.
Holy Week 2024: Create in us a New Heart
Please join us online and in person for Holy Week. Everyone is welcome.
Lent 2024: Create in us a New Heart
As we remember Jesus’ time in the wilderness, the Cathedral community will enter into the liturgical season of Lent (Wednesday, February 14th - Saturday March 30th). As we, both as individuals and as a community, prepare to remember Jesus’ death and resurrection, our focus this year is taken from the Collect for Ash Wednesday “Make in us a New Heart”. Let this time be for us and for all a time of prayer, renewal and growth.